William Optics

Gran Turismo 71 Red Triplet APO w/ 0.8x FFR


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  • $1,065.00
  • Regular price $1,273.00

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This Gran Turismo 71 package includes all the basic optics for an Astrophotography setup. A bargain price for a triplet APO optic! You get:

  • Gran Turismo 71
  • 0.8x Field Flattener / Reducer
  • Camera rotator ring

Gran Turismo 71 OTA. f/5.9 Triplet APO with included FLAT6AIII 0.8x Reducer/Field Flattener producing a 335mm focal length and a 44mm imaging circle for full frame cameras.

Includes GT71  telescope with case, handlebar to accept a guide scope, vixen dovetail bar, 0.8x field flattener/reducer, and bahtinov mask built into the lens cap.

Dew shield outer diameter (for solar filter sizing): 92mm


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