Telescope Repair Services
Telescope Support Service
We are pleased to offer our expertise for equipment not originally purchased through Mile High Astronomy via our Telescope Technical Support Service. This is a pay for service billed in 30 minute increments to help your get your new or old equipment up and running, or aid diagnosis of more severe problems.
At this time, Mile High Astronomy does not offer any telescope repair, cleaning, or collimation services. We are also not aware of any such service providers in the state of Colorado.
We do not offer collimation services, but collimation is a task that can be easily accomplished by most people with little training. There are numerous video tutorials available on YouTube on how to do it, and we do sell cleaning and collimation tools to help you complete the process yourself.
Optical Cleaning
We do not offer mirror or lens cleaning. If there is just some dust on the optics, this will have no effect on the view, and not something that needs cleaning. For stains or spots on optics, professional cleaning is sometimes available from the original manufacturer.
Telescope Repairs
At least half the calls we get asking for telescope repairs are in fact really a setup issue with the telescope. We often hear, "It won't focus", and most of the time, it's because of a misunderstanding about how the telescope should be used, how the focuser works, or a poor quality or damaged eyepiece. In these cases, we can often help troubleshoot the problem via our Telescope Support Service to get you up and going. In those other cases where there really is damage to the mirrors, lenses, or electronics, our best recommendation is to contact the manufacturer about repair or replacement.
Mounts and Electronics
We do not provide serving for telescope mounts or electronic components. In some cases, we are able to order parts for current model products, but we do not offer repair or install services for these parts. Again, we suggest contacting the manufacturer for servicing.