If you did not purchase your gear through us, in most cases, we can still assist you with troubleshooting your equipment. Due to the volume of requests for this, we have added the option to purchase telescope assistance in 30 minute blocks based on the type of equipment you need assistance with. Please call us at 877-279-5280 or email us at support@milehighastro.com to let us know what equipment you have and what assistance you need. You may bring your equipment into the store, and we can usually assist you based on availability. We encourage you to call before bring in your equipment to verify availability.
This telescope support service is available in store or by phone. If in store, you are encouraged to bring in your gear, we can help you get it setup and configured, and walk you through basic operation and the nighttime setup process. (Store hours don't permit doing an actual star alignment.)
For astrophotography equipment, we can guide you through setup and troubleshooting of the gear that we sell, but may not be able to provide support for other equipment we are otherwise unfamiliar with. We will make sure we are able to provide basic support before billing you for our time.
This service does not include physical repair or replacement of damaged components, and we make no guarantees we can get your equipment working. Any additional components needed must be purchased separately. We can help identify needed repairs, if any, and refer you to a separate service provider for those repairs.
This service time can include installation of some components such as configuring an imaging train, installing an electronic autofocuser, etc, subject to our familiarity with the components.
Please note that we do not provide cleaning or collimation services.